Terms And Condition

Thank you for visiting TraziHost.com and shopping there. This website and all of its subdomains of Trazi Host.com are owned by Trazi Digital Academy, which will be called “Trazi Host” from now on. Simply by visiting and shopping on this website, you agree to these terms and conditions. We reserve the right to change or update these terms and conditions at any time. If you continue to use the site after we make changes to the “terms of services,” it signifies your agreement to these changes. When you visit “Trazi Host,” we want you to feel safe and secure while you look around and buy our web services. Everything on “Trazi Host,” like goods and knowledge, is an “invitation to offer.” The “Trazi Host” has the power to accept or decline your offer. The “offer” you make when you place an order to buy something is subject to the terms and conditions below.
1. Being able to use our site
Customers who are legally able to sign contracts are the only ones who can use the Site. People who are “incompetent to contract” according to the Indian Contract Act of 1872, such as people who are still in bankruptcy, are not allowed to use the Site. The Indian Contract Act of 1872 says that “Trazi Host” can stop you from using the Site if it finds out that you are under 18 years old or have any other kind of condition.
2. Being a member
You must have an account to shop at “Trazi Host.” You can’t shop as a guest. You agree, as a member, to provide true, correct, up-to-date, and complete information about yourself in the site’s signup form. If you register in a location where it is illegal, it will be null and void. Trazi Host can cancel your registration at any time and for any reason without giving you any warning.
3. Using electronic mail
When you use the site, send emails or other data or information, or talk to us, you agree and understand that you are interacting with us electronically. You also agree to receive electronic communications from us from time to time, as needed.
4. Submissions, reviews, and feedback
All reviews, comments, feedback, postcards, suggestions, ideas, and other submissions sent directly to “Trazi Host” or in any other way through your use of this Site will remain the property of “Trazi Host.” Any comments shared, submitted, or offered will automatically give “Trazi Host” all worldwide rights, titles, and interests in all copyrights and other intellectual properties in those comments. This means that “Trazi Host” is the only owner of those rights, titles, and interests, and it can use them in any way it wants, whether for business or pleasure. No matter what, “Trazi Host” can use, copy, reveal, change, adapt, make derivative works from, post, show, and share any opinions you send for any reason, without any limits and without paying you anything. “Trazi Host” is not obligated to (1) keep any Comments secret, (2) pay you for any Comments, or (3) answer any Comments. You promise that any opinions you post on the Site will not break this rule or anyone else’s rights, such as privacy, copyright, trademark, or other personal or property rights, and will not hurt anyone or anything. You also agree that any comments you post on the site will not be slanderous, illegal, abusive, threatening, or obscene, and they will not include software bugs, political campaigning, begging for business, chain letters, mass mailings, or any other kind of “spam.” “Trazi Host” doesn’t usually read the comments that are made, but they do have the right (but not the duty) to read all of them and change or delete any comment that is posted on the Site. It is okay for “Trazi Host” to use the name you give them with any of the comments that are made. You promise not to use a fake email address, pretend to be someone or something else, or trick people about where your Comments come from in any other way. If you leave a comment, you are and will remain solely responsible for what it says. You also agree to defend “Trazi Host” and its affiliates against any claims that arise from any comments you leave. We are not responsible for any comments left by you or anyone else.
5. Why the content and information about the products on the website are correct Even though “Trazi Host” tries to give correct information about products and prices, typos may happen. If a product is listed with the wrong price or information because of a mistake in pricing or product information, “Trazi Host” can change the price or information about the products at our own discretion, or we can refuse or cancel any orders that were placed for that product, as long as the product hasn’t already been sent out.
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Policy on Cancellations
Please keep in mind that you can only cancel an order 24 hours after you place it. No withdrawal requests will be taken after 24 hours. If you stop your order within 24 hours, though, you will get your money back quickly, but there will be a cancellation fee taken out of the return amount.